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West Grand Board of Education

Regular Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
715 Kinsey Avenue, Kremmling, CO 80459
6:30 pm
6:00-6:30pm Work Session
  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Roll Call
  4. March Quote:
    "And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others the permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
    Marlanne Williamson
  5. Review and Approve Agenda
  6. Excellence in Education: Connected
    1. Students: Evelyn Amaya, Makaila Gifford, Jaziel Gonzalez-Mendez
    2. Staff: Jaime Franklin, Vanessa Gillespie
  7. Routine Items
    1. Approval of Minutes
      1. February 11, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes
    2. Reports
      1. District
        1. Land Dedication/Fee in Lieu Study - Western Demographics Inc., Shannon Bingham
        2. Financials and Human Resources
      2. Board Reports
        1. None
  8. Public Address
  9. Consent Agenda
    1. Resignation
      1. Jaime Franklin, Kindergarten Teacher
      2. Chelsea Gaines, Middle School Track Assistant Coach
      3. Shannon Roller, Middle School Track Assistant Coach
  10. Action Items
    1. Old Business
      1. None
    2. New Business
      1. Single Read Policies as presented
        1. AC Non Discrimination/Equal Opportunity
        2. AC-E-1 Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity
        3. AC-E-2 Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity
        4. AC-R-3 Sexual Harassment Investigation Procedures
        5. GBA Equal Opportunity Employment
        6. GBAA Employees/Official/Volunteers Sexual Harassment
        7. GCBD Staff Fringe Benefits
        8. GCE/GCF Professional Staff Recruiting/Hiring
        9. GD Classified Staff
        10. GDA Classified Staff Positions
        11. GDBA-E1 Classified Staff Salary Schedule
        12. GDD Classified Staff Vacations and Holidays
        13. GDE/GDF Classified Staff Recruiting/Hiring
        14. JB Equal Educational Opportunities
        15. JBB Sexual Harassment
        16. JF School Admissions and Denial of Admission
        17. JFBB Inter-District Choice/Open Enrollment
        18. JICA Student Dress Code
        19. JICDD Violent and Aggressive Behavior
        20. JICDE Bullying Prevention and Education
        21. JII Student/Parent Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances
      2. 1st Read Policies as presented
        1. JIH Interrogations and Searches
        2. IKFB Graduation Exercises
      3. 2025-2026 School Calendar
      4. FY25 July-December Financials
      5. Land Dedication/Fee in Lieu Study Approval
      6. Asbestos report approval
      7. Transportation Garage Roof Repair bids
      8. Finalize Superintendent Evaluation
  11. Items for Next Agenda
    1. Counselor Corps/WGSD Counseling Program presentation
    2. Sara Lechman - WGHS Class of 2025
    3. WGHS Class of 2025 Approval
    4. FY26 Budget Discussions
    5. Add additional meeting in April
    6. Add additional meeting in May
    7. Add additional meeting in June
  12. Executive Session
  13. Adjourn

What's Happening

Request for Bids

WGSD HS Auditorium - Accepting Bids.pdf
WGSD HS Gymnasium- Accepting Bids.pdf
WGSD K8 Sign Upgrade - Accepting Bids.pdf
WGSD Transportation Roof - Accepting Bids.pdf

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